Zapier Integration.
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Automate Your Tasks with Zapier
Zapier is probably the most popular tool that allows any user, without technical knowledge to integrate or link the apps they use and automate workflows. More than 1 million peolple use Zapier every day to help them automate workflows so they focus on the things that are really important.
For Example. Virtual Landlines gives you the flexibility to view and download a list of all incoming and outgoing call records from your dashboard. If you're using a CRM such as Zoho or SalesForce, you'll probably want to add these calls to your Pipeline for your sales team to follow up on and hopefully close another deal.
Maybe you need every outbound call record added to a spreadsheet so you can track phone spend in the office. Whatever your requirement, chances are that Zapier has an app that you can use to automate those timely tasks.
![A picture of a virtual landlines zap workflow that was created in Zapier to create a new Google Sheets row and new lead in Zoho CRM for every call received on Virtual Landlines](
How It Works
Sign Up for a Virtual Landlines Account
This step might seem a little obvious but it’s the first step none the less.
View Available PackagesRequest your API Keys
You need a Username and Password to use the Trigger on Zapier.
Request API Key[]1 Step 1Add Your Zap
Create your first Zapier Zap and add Virtual Landlines as your Trigger
Getting Started with ZapierSit Back & Relax
Sit Back & Relax While Your Zaps Automate Your Tasks
“77% of customers are more likely to contact a business that has a landline advertised. It creates a sense of permanency.”